SA Disability Care knows that sometimes you need a little helping hand with daily personal care activities. Our friendly and discreet support workers can help provide personal care supports to aid with day-to-day tasks and help make life easier.

Our personal care services cover a variety of activities, ranging from general assistance to more complex needs. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Grooming
  • Showering
  • Toileting
  • Continence Assistance
  • Assistance with eating
  • Dressing and undressing
  • General mobility

We understand that even where a participant has family or friends who are willing to assist with these activities, they may prefer more discreet assistance so they may retain their dignity.

What level of personal care supports with the NDIS fund?

Supports to provide assistance with daily personal activities should generally be limited to a maximum of 6 hours per day. This level of support is based on:

  • bathing, dressing, toileting and grooming up to 2 hours per day – including bowel management, skin care, bladder management, menstrual care;
  • assistance with eating up to 2 hours per day which may include assistance with medication;
  • mobility including exercise, positioning, moving up to 1 hour per day; and
  • where toileting assistance alone is required, up to 1 hour a day.

With tailored care plans and solutions, we can meet your everyday needs and goals.

Learn more about personal care supports here .

Why You Should Choose Us

At SA Disability Care, we aim to support individuals by ensuring we have the services that help to improve their quality of life and maintain their independence. Our experienced staff and support workers are adaptable and approachable so that participants feel comfortable to voice their needs and preferences for service delivery.

Click Learn more below to know about what makes us the best service provider.

Get In Touch

The team at SA Disability Care are always available to answer any questions you may have. We encourage you to get in touch and discuss how we can help you!

Available NDIS supports

Click Learn More below to find out more about the NDIS supports available and their price guide.