What is the NDIS ?

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme created by the Australian government. It is to provide funding for support and services, to those who are under the age of 65 and are considered to have permanent significant disability.

If you or someone you know is experiencing disability, they may be qualified to apply for an NDIS plan to help them fund the necessary services needed to help improve their quality of life.

What is the criteria for becoming an NDIS participant?

You may be eligible for the NDIS if you:

  • Have a permanent disability significantly affecting the ability to take part in everyday activities
  • Are under the age of 65 years when first applying and entering the NDIS
  • Are an Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa or protected special category visa.

An eligibility checklist can be found here .

What supports will the NDIS fund?

The NDIS states that it will fund ‘any reasonable and necessary supports participants need to enjoy an ordinary life’. This is a broad statement that covers a range of disability care services. Supports may include the following:

  • Daily personal activities
  • Transport to enable participation in community, social, economic and daily life activities
  • Workplace help
  • Therapeutic supports
  • Help with household tasks
  • Home modification design and construction
  • Mobility equipment
  • Vehicle modification

To learn more about the types of supports that are funded, click here .

The NDIS does not fund daily living expenses, such as rent, food and bills. This is still funded by your usual source of income – work, disability pensions etc.

When you apply for the NDIS, you will be asked to attend a planning meeting, where you will be able to discuss your needs and goals and talk about how you would like to benefit from the NDIS.

For more information on how to apply for the NDIS, click here .

What supports do SA Disability Care offer?

SA Disability Care understands that every person is different. Our supports are tailored to meet the specific requirements of individual participants.

We have specific expertise and connections within CALD communities. We are actively engaged with our local community in South Australia, and with community organisations, such as AMES Australia, Australian Refugee Association, Bhutanese Australia Association of SA, and the Lyell McEwin Volunteer Association.

Our experienced and approachable team can help with flexible and tailored support to suit individual needs and assist participants to reach their individual goals. We offer:

  • Individualised support
  • Tailored and flexible plans
  • Skill development

To learn more about the services we offer, click here .

Ndis-registered provider

Registered NDIS Provider

We are a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider and have staff that are highly skilled to provide supports tailored to your needs. We ensure all our support workers are adaptable and open so that participants feel comfortable around them and are able to voice whatever concerns they may have.